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Which is Best For Business Meetings, Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?

Which is Best For Business Meetings, Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?

Today, we live in a fast-paced society where multi-tasking has become the norm. Thus, time has become more precious than ever before. When someone chooses to accept your invitation to a business meeting, they invest their valuable time to be with you. Consider this high praise. Remember that nobody chooses to have a business meeting to be fed. There is likely some intrigue or interest from their side as well! The type of meal can indicate the value that they place on you and this relationship. So the question is, which is best for business meetings, breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

Which is Best For Business Meetings, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?
Which is Best For Business Meetings, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?

Business Breakfast Meeting

Although many hotel chains offer very fancy “Power Breakfast” meals for their guests, many chains now provide a more “fast-served” breakfast. This allows people to grab a quick breakfast on the go or for their business breakfast. This fits in with our on-demand culture, where we are trying to get in and get out quickly from one meeting to the next.

Coffee is extremely popular in Europe and tends to signify that the business meeting may be less formal. In Europe, many business introductions are made, and people may refer to coffee as the “transactional lubricant of business.”

The consensus is that the people will meet for coffee when the occasion is less formal and less connected.

Business Lunch Meeting

Studies have shown that business breakfasts have steadily declined over the years, while business lunch has increased. Restaurants have seen an increase in full capacity during lunch hours due to business lunches.

In the business world, lunch tends to indicate that the relationship is more personal and requires a bigger commitment since both parties have to sit down for long. This is especially very prevalent for professionals in sales. In addition, business lunches are ideal for networking.

A business lunch meeting is a great opportunity for the other person to learn more about you outside the standard office setting. They may also evaluate you to see if they want to do future business deals with you.

When a person agrees to meet for lunch, it has the potential to either extinguish a potential business relationship or hopefully ignite one. This means your mannerisms, behaviors, and conduct play a big role. Keep in mind that you are always being evaluated whether the other person intends to or not.

Business Dinner Meeting

Although our world has evolved to more casual business settings, such as casual dining and casual business attire, a business dinner is much more personal and intimate than lunch or breakfast. Dinner meetings require the guest to take time away from their personal time or family time to meet with you.

The more important the business meeting, consider extending the meal’s length with a full three or four-course meal and fine wine service.

As a business host, you should be prepared by offering a gracious dining experience to impress your guests. This shows that you are well-versed in a business dinner setting and have the attention to detail for things that matter.

Which is Best For Business Meetings, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?
Which is Best For Business Meetings, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?

Lunch Vs. Dinner Meetings

So what’s the difference between lunch and dinner meetings? Dinner meetings are more personal because it requires the other individual to meet you outside of standard work hours. This means you are likely getting to know them on a deeper level. Also, dinner meetings likely ensure you are their last appointment for the day, meaning that they won’t be distracted by having to be somewhere else. Both parties may be in a rush to head back to the office or another meeting with a lunch meeting.

Final Thoughts

A business breakfast, lunch, or dinner is an excellent opportunity for you to develop relationships with other people and potentially ignite a future business partnership. It is a way for you to demonstrate that you are detail-oriented, prepared, and thoughtful.

Thus, although it goes against the hustle and bustle of getting in and out of business meetings, a more thoughtful effort can ensure you don’t miss out on a huge opportunity.

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